Separately Budgeted Research – Office Of Sponsored Programs - Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é State University


The Graduate School

Separately Budgeted Research

FY2024 Awards List

Faculty Department Project
Kevin Bilyk Biology Investigating the genome of Saffron Cod for insight into the resilience of heat responding genetic elements in Arctic fishes
Cortni Borgerson Anthropology Endangered Primates on the Menu: Urban Demand for Wild Meat in Madagascar
Lauren Covey Linguistics A tale of two hemispheres: The role of literacy in bilingual metaphor processing
Nina Goodey Chemistry and Biochemistry Protecting NJ soils and cedars from salt pollution
Sunhyung Lee Economics Robots and Global Supply Chains
Rui Li School of Computing Study on Automatic Emergency Control of Vehicles in Virtual Highway Environments for Drivers’ Severe Drowsiness
Yam Limbu Marketing How do unethical retail practices provide illegal online pharmacies a competitive advantage over legal online pharmacies? Markers of trust, quality, and transparency
Sara Matsuzaka Social Work and Child Advocacy Assessing LGBTQ Bias and their Correlates Among Substance Use Treatment Providers
Patricia McGaughey School of Nursing Young, Pregnant, and Nowhere to Go: Exploring Adolescent Pregnancy Outcomes by Geographic Access to Maternity Care
Carlos Molina Biology Physiological consequences of ICER post-translational modifications
Vikash Singh Sociology Costs of Containment: Risk and Resilience in India’s Muslim Neighborhoods
Christos Suriano Biology Improving the Safety and Efficacy of Viral Vector Use in the Central Nervous System
Jennifer Urban and Miriam Linver Family Science and Human Development Accommodating Adolescents with Special Needs in Out-of-School Time Programs
Quinn Vega Biology Functional Analysis of Bacteriophage Gene Products
Weitian Wang School of Computing Enhancing Task Planning Efficiency of Multi-Human Multi-Robot Collaboration for Advanced Manufacturing
James Woodard History Darcy Ribeiro and the Popular Unity Years in Chile, 1970-1973

FY2023 Awards List

Faculty Department Project
Yeon Bai Nutrition and Food Studies Elicitation study to identify salient beliefs of WIC participants’ shopping experience
Richard Conway History Foreigners, Protestants, and the Inquisition in Colonial Mexico
Tarika Daftary-Kapur Justice Studies Public Perceptions of Juvenile Life Without Parole Sentences
Nina Goodey, Kirsten Monsen and Lisa Hazard Chemistry and Biochemistry Rapid viral biosensing: Design of a field-based lateral flow assay for Ranavirus detection
Michael Hannon Counseling Black counselors’ motivators to join the profession: A grounded theory study
Laura Lakusta Psychology Can surprise and explanation foster learning of how children learn spatial language?
Eyyub Kibis and Serhat Simsek Information Systems Decision Sciences Effectiveness of Makeshift Hospitals as Pre- or Post-Treatment Facilities During the Pandemic: A Data-Driven Optimization Model
Esther Kim Hospitality and Tourism Cancellation policy to reduce restaurant no-shows
Eli Il-Hyung Lee Chemistry and Biochemistry Hybrid copolymer lipid vesicle applications for cargo transfer by vesicular fusion
Ruth Propper Psychology Skin Temperature as a Biomarker of Fatigue and Vigilance
Jeff Strickland History War Profiteers: Illicit Trade, Treason, and Confiscation in the Civil War

FY2022 Awards List

Faculty Department Project
Matthew Aardema Biology Potential inheritance of increased thermal tolerance as a response to acute heat stress in two disease-transmitting mosquito species
Livia Alexander Art & Design Jerusalem Onsite: Contemporary Art Practices in a Contested City
Esperanza Brizuela-Garcia History Constituting the Nation. Law, History and Culture in the Gold Coast 1821-1960
Nicholas DeMaison John J. Cali School of Music US premiere and documentation of KhiRe
Lyndal Khaw and Soyoung Lee Family Science and Human Development COVID-19 and the Experiences of Helpseeking for Intimate Partner Violence Among Asian Women Survivors
Roman Liera Educational Leadership How race becomes capital: Early career faculty of color navigating racial capitalism in the professoriate
Shannon O’Connor Psychology Exploring Accuracy of Perception of Peers’ Value for Weight/Shape/Appearance
Robert O’Hagan Biology Uncovering the function of the microtubule-associated protein Tau in neuronal cilia
Amrita Sarkar Chemistry and Biochemistry Reuse of Anodic Graphite Recycled from End-of-Life Li ion Battery
Matthew Schuler Biology Using shotgun sequencing to test the effects of salt pollution on microbial communities in freshwater environments
John Smallwood Biology The Genetic Response of a Declining Falcon Population to a Changing Environment
Yunsen Wang Accounting and Finance Detecting Suspicious Transactions using Deep-Learning based Process Mining

FY2020 Awards List

Faculty Department Project
Cortni Borgerson Anthropology Traditional Insect Farmings Potential to Improve Child Health, Food Security, and the Viability of Endangered Species in a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Jaclyn Catalano Chemistry and Biochemistry Identification of Key Residues that Influence Cytochrome P450 Catalysis Under Oxidative Stress
Bong Jae Chung Mathematical Sciences Enhancing the Reliability and Robustness of Hemodynamic Risk Assessment in Intracranial Aneurysms through Computational Analysis
Tarika Daftary-Kapur and Tina Zottoli Justice Studies/Psychology Process Evaluation of the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Juvenile “Lifers” Resentencing Project
Dawn Marie Hayes History Rosalia of Palermo: An Enigmatic Norman Saint and her Reconstruction in Seventeenth-Century Sicily
Patricia Matthew English “And freedom to the slave”: Sugar, Gender, and the History of the Novel
Sandra Passchier Earth and Environmental Studies X-ray fluorescence of sediment cores from Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
Gregory Pope Earth and Environmental Studies “Forest Fires in the Soil Critical Zone”
Joshua Sandry Psychology Accelerated Forgetting Due to Rapid Time-Based Decay in Multiple Sclerosis

FY2019 Awards List

Faculty Department Project
Deepak Bal Mathematical Sciences Ramsey Theory and Probability Theory
Evan Matthews and Amir Golnabi Exercise Science and Physical Education Open-Source Software Development for Quantitative Analysis of Cardiovascular Ultrasound Images
Kathleen Kelley Theater and Dance Digital Animal: a dance film
Alan Pehrson Psychology The effects of hypothyroidism on mood, cognitive function, and glutamate neurotransmission in mice
Peter Popolo Communication Sciences and Disorders Relating Laryngeal Image Data to Acoustic Parameters of Voice
Michele Rigolizzo Management The concrete learning behaviors of working adults
Mitchell Sitnick Biology Determining the impact of coconut oil on lipid metabolism and skeletal muscle mass regulation